The Science of Release


Tantrum exists as a form of catharsis therapy.


kəˈθɑːsɪs noun

1. the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. A catharsis is an emotional release. According to psychoanalytic theory, this emotional release is linked to a need to release unconscious conflicts. For example, experiencing stress over a work-related situation may cause feelings of frustration and tension. Rather than vent these feelings inappropriately, the individual may instead release these feelings in another way, such as through physical activity or another stress relieving activity.

snoopyCatharsis is being used worldwide in leading Trauma and PTSD centres to speed up the healing process with its most effected victims. Dr Martha Niccolson and Dr Jo Billings from the Berkshire Trauma Unit advocate Catharsis as a great way to release blocked emotions which reside in the body. Babette Rochschild who wrote The Body Remembers, has found that her trauma patients also move faster through therapy by using catharsis.

The principles are to release the emotions safely so that no one is injured during the process either physically or psychologically and that after emotional release, the process is reviewed to provide intellectual insights.

Tantrum has been designed carefully with all the principles of Catharsis therapy in mind.

Dr Deepak Chopra, author, renowned endocrinologist, and leader in the field of quantum physics and mind-body healing, formulated his theory of cellular healing.

It has been scientifically established that cells inside the body regenerate at different speeds – liver cells in six weeks, stomach-lining cells in three days, eye cells in less than forty-eight hours. Why is it then, you might ask, that a liver riddled with cancer in January would still be riddled with cancer in June? As the liver cells regenerate every six weeks they should already have regenerated several times.

Dr Chopra believes we all have phantom memories stored inside our cells. What he means is that inside each degenerative cell lies a traumatic memory. And before that degenerative cell dies, it passes on its memory to the next cell. So the new cell is born as a replica of the previous cell. Thus the cells keep replicating themselves, passing on the degenerative memory from one generation to the next, and so on. Although the cells replicated, what they were replicating was the degenerative cell pattern stored inside.

Dr Chopra compiled thousands of case studies of the process successful survivors had used to heal themselves from serious diseases. He discovered that they were able to access the cell memory and the associated negative emotion, which they worked towards resolving and then releasing. When they did this, the degenerative memory was not passed on to the next cell generation and thus the next cell was born as a new, healthy cell. This process is called cellular healing.

Pharmacologist Dr Candace Pert, whom has a PhD in cellular biology and biophysics from the United States, has backed up Dr Chopra’s research through laboratory experiments. Dr Pert has unequivocally established that Neuro-peptides are the biochemicals of emotion. Emotions and the body are neurologically linked and that there is a chemical expression for every emotion that we have.

When we repress an emotion the body releases a chemical into the bloodstream.

This chemical travels to certain cell receptors and blocks them, leaving them incapable of communicating with the rest of the cells in the body. If those cell receptors remain blocked over a long period of time then there is a propensity for toxins to build up and diseases to occur in the blocked areas.

Conversely, Dr Pert has also found that when you express emotions fully and in a healthy, non-repressive way, the cell receptors remain open. When you bury your emotions over time, it can have a very lasting impact on your health, wellbeing and happiness. It can also lead to premature ageing.

Some of the symptoms of buried emotions include:

  • A feeling of extreme tiredness and general fatigue.
  • Losing hours in the day because you are preoccupied with daydreams.
  • Spending all day watching television or lying in bed sleeping.
  • Losing your lust for life and rarely wanting to talk about how you are feeling or doing.
  • Blowing up at the smallest of things – almost flying off the handle for no apparent cause.
  • Focusing on keeping busy rather than on feeling things. If you battle to sit still and have to keep busy all the time, consider that you might be repressing your emotions.
  • An inability to concentrate for any extended period of time.
  • Focusing on your ex and what he’s doing rather than focusing on how you are feeling.
  • Tumultuous relationships with those close to you.

When you repress your emotions your behaviour and reactions to events in the present are really reactions to past events, too. This has a negative effect on your relationships.

There are emotional centres in the body as shown below


Not dealing with your emotions over an extended period of time can also lead to major illness in your body.

Dr Pert, Dr Chopra and other scientists like them have spent years researching the lasting impact of repressed emotion in the body. Some of this research appears to suggest that specific emotions can also lead to specific issues in the body.

The full list of negative effects of emotional suppression include:

  • Voice becomes high pitched
  • Feel very tired
  • Hold tension in your body and particularly in your shoulders and jaw
  • The blocked cell receptors create an acidic environment in the body increasing the propensity for diseases to occur in the blocked areas
  • Repressing Anger (as it rests mostly in the shoulders and upper back) can lead to an unexpected outbreak of acne, issues with the jaw (as you have clenched your teeth), back and neck tension, and at its worst: cancer and chronic fatigue
  • Repressing Fear (as fear rests mostly in the stomach) can lead to constipation, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome and other issues of the bowel and colon
  • Repressing Sadness (as sadness lives mostly in the heart/lung region) can lead to heart/lung problems, throat and voice problems, and issues with your eyes.
  • There are studies which show that depression can be caused by suppression over a long period of time
  • Suppression leads to a build up of high Cortisol levels which can lead to weight gain. With the cell receptors being blocked, it’s hard to lose weight as the body holds onto it to protect from toxins in body
  • High Cortisol impacts the skin leading to premature ageing
  • Candice Pert also found that toxins in the body can lead to cancers and our emotional states can speed up the spreading of those cancers and toxins throughout the body…

You can’t be fully present with those you love until you have released your emotions from the past. Not dealing with your emotions over an extended period of time can also lead to major illness in your body. Dr Pert, Dr Chopra and other scientists like them have spent years researching the lasting impact of repressed emotion in the body. Some of this research appears to suggest that specific emotions can also lead to specific issues in the body such as:-

  • Repressing Anger (as it rests mostly in the shoulders and upper back) can lead to an unexpected outbreak of acne, issues with the jaw (as you have clenched your teeth), back and neck tension, and at its worst: cancer and chronic fatigue.
  • Repressing Fear (as fear rests mostly in the stomach) can lead to constipation, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome and other issues of the bowel and colon.
  • Repressing Sadness (as sadness lives mostly in the heart/lung region) can lead to heart/lung problems, throat and voice problems, and issues with your eyes.

Candice Pert also found that toxins in the body can lead to cancers and our emotional states can speed up the spreading of those cancers and toxins throughout the body…

Interesting INNIT?


Bitches and Bad-asses with Bats